Living Life In Awe!
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Patti's Story

Patti's Story

Hi & Welcome to LLIA!  I'm so grateful to get to know you as new friends from all over the world!  Thank you for such an honor and the great opportunity of helping you with living your life in Awe!

Here is My Story, as we begin to focus on helping you write Your Story!

I am Patti Roney and my Guest Coach is my oldest son, Brandt Roney.  (See "Brandt's Story")

      Coaching, Teaching, Mentoring & Consulting are really part of who we both always have been!  So, it's no surprise we would end up here with you today!  

      I grew up an athlete and was teaching & coaching about a year after I took up my sport (at 10 years old).  I competed, taught, coached and judged this sport until I was about 21.  What a glorious & powerful way to grow up!  

      In High School, I spent a lot of my time listening to other girls or guys share their relationship dilemmas and choices, so I could give them helpful answers.  This seemed to continue throughout my life, almost without me realizing the trend.  (The Coaching continued.)

      My life story has given me an absolutely unbelievable amount of challenges and miraculous victories!  I have walked in so many places that you might be right now.  For me to coach you, is as a guide, helping you see the journey through a new perspective & not trip over the stumbling blocks along the way to your Victories!  

      Most of the interesting parts of my story will come out during the Video Courses or Live Coaching.  

But, here are few of the high points.  

- I'm an infertility patient, but ended up with 3 beautiful adopted brand new babies of different nationalities and 3 miraculous biological children!  Miracles & Awe!

- I raised my 6 children, for 20 years of my parenting, as a Single Mom.  I had lost my mother, grandmother, grandfather, and brother and my father was not really involved.  So, I was on my own - my little ones and me - we became quite the Team!  Powerful Mentoring/Coaching/Training! 

- A Crash!  We went from having a great professional income as a family - to a divorce - to a mom & kids sleeping in sleeping bags on the floor in 1 bedroom for a year - to finding the most beautiful home-based business in the world!   Awe!

- As a Single Parent, Homeschool Mom of 6, I went to the Million Dollar Club in that new business.  That's called balance!  Ha!  Actually, unbelievable - Teamwork - Awe!

- Just a little girl from a tiny town in Wyoming (me) won the highest and most-coveted award in our huge International Company, along with many other awards - no way!  Miracle - Awe!

      Along the journey of life, my coaching, training & mentoring continued. It was just in my "Purpose".   I began a weekly women's program as a young mom, called Challenged Women.  It was successful enough that I was sponsored to do a daily Radio Broadcast with the same name and did that for 5 years.  I was also asked to speak on stages to groups of women.  I loved this experience & these women!  

      As an Entrepreneur, I have coached women, men and couples in my business team and business peers around the globe.  Speaking from small stages to the big stages of 10,000 has been another way I have coached and encouraged others, and one of my favorites!  This business entrepreneurship also brought me another platform to help others as the Hostess & Interviewer of International Global Calls and then International Global Webinars for almost 20 years!  I remain astounded by this part of my life!  Such Awe when working with such a wonderful team and business family!

      In Health & Fitness, I spent about 10 years teaching Local & Regional Aerobics classes and also trained the trainers regionally.  Giving seminars on healthy habits, weight management, supplementation and fitness have been part of my life for the past 30 years.

      As a Wellness Consultant for the past 23 years, I brought together my love-and-life of health & fitness that began in my early 20's, with a wellness company steeped in elite science and products!   This enabled my own health & fitness to remain enviable and better than when I was 25.  Teaching & Coaching this subject is a favorite and where some of my  greatest work has been done & continues.   I am so grateful for this core part of my life's journey!  

      Of course, the Greatest Joy in my life has been raising my 6 children!  Parenting requires many skills, strategic habits and a great mindset.  I found being the CEO of my own home and business, simultaneously, was a huge joy and challenge!  Coaching moms, dads, & couples to be stress-free parents without so much anxiety and fear, is high on my priority list!  Parents need a Life Coach and they have requested my help more than any other group.  The greatest miracle given to me has been my children - and I remain in awe!

*Note to young moms or moms of "littles", I love love love working with you!  You are the heart of the home and the heart of the future of those babies.  I'm excited to work with you!

      One of the greatest works of my life was Leading 13 different Discipleship Groups of women in studies of the Bible, and having the great blessing of baptizing nearly 100 of them!   My background is steeped in the blessings of Jesus.  This is a perk for all of you because my foundation gives me more Truth and Wisdom to bring to the table when I'm helping coach you.  It's not required of you - to believe what I believe.  I can help you no matter what.  But, when I do give you that help, you can breathe a sigh of relief, because it's based on such a solid foundation, and not just opinion!  I am eternally grateful & blessed!

      I am now also Gigi, as my children have 5 boys and 1 baby girl!  My happiest moments are without a doubt, when I am playing ball, running on the beach, going to Disneyland, and being crazy with these little ones!  They are my greatest delight!  Therefore, I have included coaching called Gigi Glam!  If you are in this life category, you will love this part of the program.  To do your greatest work NOW and finish strong and victoriously - that is living a life in Awe!

      In 2009, after winning the top award in my business, I knew I was supposed to do a coaching program for all of you - specifically for moms.  I got so busy with my family, homeschooling and business that I put that project on the back burner.  I was always sorry.  Years later, I asked God for another way to coach and help "the world".  LLIA is the answer - My Calling and Purpose right now is YOU!  

      I promise you that I will bring my "infectious energy and joy"; my love and care; my knowledge and experience; my message of hope; my awareness of your potential and purpose; and all I've learned along my journey to help you optimize & maximize your life!  I also promise to pray for you and your journey.  May you write Your Story, as a Life Lived in Awe!

Patti Roney, Life Coach

 *If you need a Therapist, Psychologist, or Medical Professional, please make that appointment for yourself.  That is not our expertise.  



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