Living Life In Awe!
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YOU Matter!

all people Apr 07, 2020

Hi & Hugs to YOU - my special friends from around the world!  

One morning I woke up, during this unsuspected time in our lives, and asked myself what I could GIVE to you - to help you, to encourage you, to give you direction, and to make you stronger!  I prayed and searched my own areas of expertise and  "gifts" to uncover what might do you the most good during these weeks of social distancing and uncertainty.  

I came up with a GIFT for YOU in each of 3 categories, that I could give to you, as we go through this together.  They are my 3 areas of expertise or passion - so I give something in each category to you! Here are your gifts, because YOU Matter!  I hope they mean a lot to you as you go through this season and in the future!

#1 -- As a Life Coach, I made you 3 videos in a Free Mini Course called YOU Matter!   I've included the first one in this Vlog, which is Time Sensitive,  and also the link to the other two, which will serve you, even after we are through this time.   

CLICK for 3 Video Links

#2 -- As a USANA Wellness Consultant, I created a link for you to request a Free "YOU Matter" Wellness Consultation, especially those who are trying to improve their health and immune strength asap!  Your health matters now and in the future, so my 24 years of experience in this area will serve you well.  

 Wellness Consultation Application - click link below

*If you are already a USANA representative or customer, please respect the wonderful sponsor you have and work together with them on your health goals.

**I am very happy to consult with any of you who are my current customers or team members to make sure you are on your best Wellness Journey and help you with any improvements you want to make. 

CLICK for Wellness Consultation

 #3 -- As a Prayer Warrior, I created a Daily Prayer Room on Zoom for anyone who is in need of prayer - and also for those who are also prayer warriors and would like to join together (where 2 or more are gathered) for Collective Prayer for the Nations.  

I will meet with you in this room every day - 7 days/week!  This room will stay open until this virus is over, or through at least April 30 or until this Pandemic has ended.  Please feel free to join us!  5 pm MDT Daily

Prayer Room Zoom Link

4 pm PDT - Los Angeles/Vancouver

5 pm MDT - Denver/Salt Lake City

6 pm CDT - Chicago

7 pm EDT - New York/Toronto/Montreal

7 am Asia

10 am Australia

11 pm London

12 pm France


Please enjoy my gifts!  I pray for your safety and clarity during these weeks "at home".  

Again - you can access all 3 Free Gift links by clicking the link below.  (There is no purchase necessary for any of these gifts.)


CLICK for ALL Free Gift Links


With love,

Patti Roney, Life Coach & Wellness Consultant

Patti Roney Life Coach

Patti Roney USANA








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